Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent with my Mom, Grandma, and Bill in Phoenix. Larry drove the 16 hours with all the dogs to be with us for Christmas. He is such a trooper as well as the dogs, they are all good travelers! Larry got in to Phoenix about 5:00 Christmas Eve, and after dropping the big dogs off at his parents, he joined me at my Mom's where we had dinner and opened presents. Larry loved the John Deere blanket my Mom made for him (Grandma and Piper loved it too as seen in the picture). We had a great time just hanging out! I made my Mom 3 clocks to match her new bedroom, now she will always know what time it is in Phoenix, Denver (where my brother and sister live) and Broken Arrow.
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Ohio Road Trip

In early December Larry and I ventured to Piqua, Ohio to visit Larry's Grammie. We loaded all the dogs in the car, because we had specific directions from Grammie that if we didn't bring all of the dogs, we weren't welcomed. So, off with all the dogs we went, on what Larry called a 9 hour drive (it was actually 12 hours)! He again told me it was 9 hours home (shhhhh don't tell him it was another 12 hours home.) We had a wonderful time visiting with home cooked meals, except for lunches at Burger King. Grammie and Rich have farm land with lots of woods and even a pond. The dogs loved to run though the woods and play in the leaves. Grammie was so worried they would wander onto the not so frozen pond , we didn't even show them there was a pond and all was safe!

Larry had this great idea that I needed to learn to crochet, I wasn't so sure. So, we made a trip to Joann's fabric where I picked out some yarn and a few pattern books I wanted to try out. I was crocheting in no time and I love it. I made the hat I am wearing in the pictures as my first project! I have finished a matching scarf and hat, it's so much fun! It's also great to make road trips go faster and Larry appreciates that I am busy and not getting grumpy! I still call Grammie when I get stuck and she walks me through the new stitch. I'm not supposed to reveal this BUT... Larry learned to knit while we were there. More out of proving us girls wrong, but I think he secretly enjoys it! He made a cute little hat one day and is now working on a scarf for me (What a good husband)! Every time I brought the camera out he would hide his work... but I caught him and of course had to put it in this collage! Give him crap, I love it!!! I hope we make it back to Ohio soon, maybe in the summer when it is warmer and we can hang out by the pond and the dogs can swim!
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sloppy Dog Wash

All Clean! We will be making a trip to visit Grammie this weekend and we wanted to look our best. Larry found a dog wash in town so we went to check it out! It was awesome! We got to make a mess and get everyone clean and not have to clean up! Cooper and Mattie are troopers! Mattie was so funny with the dryer, we were a little hesitant for her as she doesn't really like loud noises, but she did awesome. She put her paws up on Larry's shoulders while he was drying her, everyone walking by just laughed! They are all clean and ready for our adventure to Ohio! Grammie here we ALL come, hope you are ready for us!
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Decorating the Christmas Tree

Here are the various stages of decorating our tree. It actually turned out really pretty! The dogs love their new water dish, one we can't figure out since they have fresh water not too far from the tree and it's more easily accessible. I guess they like the challenge! But it's funny to watch them try!
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Christmas Tree Farm

Today we had the opportunity to visit a Christmas tree Farm. Larry has been talking about this for weeks (and when I say weeks, it's more like months) Our friends, Joy and Isaac, started talking about this in July, I think and Larry has been excited ever since. He was actually a little disappointed when we had to wait a week because Joy and Isaac were out of town for Thanksgiving. It was really fun! When we arrived we loaded onto a hay ride and rode out into the Christmas tree field where there are rows and rows of trees. You pick your favorite, they hand you a saw and you chop down your very own Christmas tree. We wandered for a bit, of course Larry wanted the tallest one he could find. So, we ended up with an 8.5 foot tree. After you cut it down you drag it back to the hay ride where they load it and you ride back with it. They unload the trees and put them on this machine that shakes the sillies out of the trees, not really but it does get all the loose or dead needles out (so you don't take as many home with you). Then they thread it through a netting ring so it's all nice and contained. They drill a hole in the bottom, hammer in the stand and tie it to your car. You are on your way home! They have it down to a science. Very organized and user friendly. So, Larry and I have our first,very own REAL CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! Decorations to follow!!!
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