Jaxson tried to mail himself today! I guess he misses his grandma T in Phx. This was the cutest thing, I couldn't pass up the picture. Jaxson was playing at his friend, Skamp's house today and this is how he came home! He is always so warn out from playing with his friends!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Grandma here I come
Jaxson tried to mail himself today! I guess he misses his grandma T in Phx. This was the cutest thing, I couldn't pass up the picture. Jaxson was playing at his friend, Skamp's house today and this is how he came home! He is always so warn out from playing with his friends!

This is our new house!! Yeah, we are not in the hallway anymore! A friend of ours gave us these words of encouragement, "God doesn't close one door without opening another, but it might be HELL in the Hallway!!" We are out of the hallway, Praise God! We are not officially moved into the house, but we are working on it! Because we were in the hallway for a while, we didn't have the opportunity to get everything turned on before we signed. We found out Friday at 3 that we would be signing Monday at noon, so the electricity was turned on Thursday, and gas will be turned on Monday. Then we are free to move in completely! YEAH!!! I'm ready! There are some things we would like to do to update the house a little bit, so these are really before pictures, I can' wait until we get the after pictures up! We are looking into wood floors for the living room, craft room and hallway. There is ugly linoleum in the kitchen and bathrooms, so that will be exchanged for some ceramic tile. The doors on the craft room are hideous, they will be coming down and hopefully some french doors going up. There are some lights (reading lights we think) in the living room, not sure what we want to do about those... gotta get creative with those! Of course I want to paint a few things! Larry is a little freaked out by my creative thoughts, but I think it will be fun when it's all said and done, i can't wait to get started! Our doors are open for visitors who want to come and visit or want to come help with some projects! We would love to have you! YEAH WE ARE HOME OWNERS!!!
Signing Papers!!!

After being thrown under the bus in every aspect of buying a home, we are finally home owners! It was a relief to so many people, we were all just glad to be signing some papers! So here we are at the title company signing our lives away for our new home in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma!!!
Pickin' Apples

In desperate need of getting away from reality for a few hours, Larry and I ventured to the local Apple Orchard/Pumpkin patch. This is our attempt to pick some apples, unfortunately we were at the end of the season and they were bombarded the 2 days before with schools, so there wasn't a whole lot of pickin left to do! We found a few good ones hidden deep in the trees. We enjoyed just getting outside and doing something that didn't involve buying a house! We came home with 2 pumpkins we are going to attempt carving into something fun and a bushel of apples (along with the few we actually picked)! Next year we are going out early in the season for some real apple pickin!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Airport Tarmacs
OK... so you are going to think I am the biggest dork, but really I am ok with that, this was one of the coolest things I have done (at least so far in Oklahoma)! I have always wanted to work at the airport; directing the planes in, or loading/unloading the baggage, I just want to be on the tarmac with the planes. i just find it fascinating, but of course only for a day! Well, I got my chance! It was really fun! Chick-fil-a does some cool things. We first prepared a light snack for the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP) football team; which included 2 chick-fil-a sandwiches, a bag of chips and a brownie. They wanted it to be light before they practiced! Once we got all that together (without the sandwiches, we wanted them to be hot and fresh) we headed to the airport, Where we were escorted onto the tarmac. We then set up chick-fil-a tables with all the bags. We were handed earplugs for when the plane arrived. The plane actually pulled up right next to us, it was very cool! Unfortunately the plane was 10 minutes early, so the sandwiches arrived as the plane arrived. I don't remember much after that because the players were coming off the plane, I was throwing sandwiches into bags and Stacie was handing them out! It was a little chaotic! I didn't even get to see the players, everything was happening so fast! But it was one of the coolest things I have done! I can't wait to do it again! Hopefully next time we will have the sandwiches all packed and I can help hand them to the players!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Homeless but not helpless

WOW!!! What the last few months have brought to our new life! With the economy spiralling downward at a faster pace then we care to keep up with, Larry and I have been caught in the middle of all the chaos! We thought we were on the ball and ahead of the game in buying a house, when really we are in the waiting game and homeless! As of September 28th, we didn't have a clue as to where we would lay our heads come October 1st. Thankfully our Landlord gave us a few days to get it all together! Now, where are we going to go? Thanks to some wonderful friends who offered one of their homes they are trying to sell as it lays vacant, we will have a home! So, with many friends and a Budget rental truck, we hauled all of our stuff to the garage of our new temporary home. It's more home than Larry and I know what to do with, it has lots of personality and we are falling more and more in love with this house and the neighborhood every day (Maybe we don't want this financing to go through, then we can just stay here!!!) We only moved in the necessary items... bed, couch, TV, and the dresser drawers for some clothes. We are told everyday that we should know about our loan tomorrow, tomorrow has yet to come! "Hurry up and wait" will be our motto through this drama! "What is God teaching us through all of this?" is our question! We know we will look back on these times, laugh and say, "OHHHH!!!". But for now we will Hurry up and wait!!! (the pictures are the house we are staying in and the garage in which our lives lay boxed!!)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
More Bubbles

More bath time for me! I love getting washed, but I love getting dirty even more! Being clean usually last about 5 minutes, or until my Mommy lets me back outside to roll in the dirt and splash in the pool! My Grandma T made me my very own hat towel... It works great! I can snuggle up from head to toe until I am ready for my blow dry!
Selling Stuff

Larry came home one Thursday night and said, "I'm going to have a garage sale on Saturday!" So, Friday night he went through the house asking if we could sell this or that. He got up Sat morning set everything out and sold away! He actually did really well and had fun with it, too! Jaxson loved meeting all the people and helping his daddy!
Hoodies and Haircuts
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