Gotta Love Camping! We ventured into camping this weekend and discovered quite the adventure! It was fun! We started by setting up all the tents...Adults having their own and all the kids in one....Fabulous idea! We ended every evening with Smore's! Of course, what is camping without Smore's? We hung out by the lake while the boys fished, the kids swam and we all soaked up some sun. The dogs were a handful this time around with Mattie chewing through her leash 4 times before the end of Friday night! Then Piper got through hers. Larry had to get very creative to keep them on their leashes! We ran for cover on Sat evening as the rain barrelled through. trying to stay warm and keep our stuff dry was an experience! The rain was coming down so hard that the rain fly just couldn't keep up! Drip, drip, drip! But we survived and dried out! Then Sunday before lunch we headed for a hike! By the end, I was carrying both of the little dogs and we were all covered in ticks...YUCK!!! I have never experience this and I don't care to again! Thankfully we were at the end of the of the line and only found a few...those in the front of the line were not as fortunate and found lots! I am still feeling like they are crawling on me and constantly double check. I guess this is just a part of Oklahoma camping! YUCK! But over all it was a good time, good company and lots of good eating!