Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree Farm

Today we had the opportunity to visit a Christmas tree Farm. Larry has been talking about this for weeks (and when I say weeks, it's more like months) Our friends, Joy and Isaac, started talking about this in July, I think and Larry has been excited ever since. He was actually a little disappointed when we had to wait a week because Joy and Isaac were out of town for Thanksgiving. It was really fun! When we arrived we loaded onto a hay ride and rode out into the Christmas tree field where there are rows and rows of trees. You pick your favorite, they hand you a saw and you chop down your very own Christmas tree. We wandered for a bit, of course Larry wanted the tallest one he could find. So, we ended up with an 8.5 foot tree. After you cut it down you drag it back to the hay ride where they load it and you ride back with it. They unload the trees and put them on this machine that shakes the sillies out of the trees, not really but it does get all the loose or dead needles out (so you don't take as many home with you). Then they thread it through a netting ring so it's all nice and contained. They drill a hole in the bottom, hammer in the stand and tie it to your car. You are on your way home! They have it down to a science. Very organized and user friendly. So, Larry and I have our first,very own REAL CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! Decorations to follow!!!
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