Friday, April 17, 2009

April 12...

I can't believe it's been a year! And a year it has been! We have been married a year and shared our celebration with several things this year. It was Easter, what a great day to share with our anniversary! Jesus is Alive and so are we! Larry was on a cleanse (I started with him, but gave up on day 4, it was really hard) I am so proud of him for sticking with the cleanse the entire time, you are awesome, mi amore'! So, we will celebrate in other ways (EATING OUT) at another time! Larry's Mom was so awesome in giving us a gift card to the melting pot, which is where I wanted to go for our anniversary....YEAH!!! THANK YOU DEBBIE!!!! Here is the card Larry made for me, it was awesome and brought tears to my eyes. I have to admit, I was a little afraid when I heard him rumbling around in my craft never know what that means...but he was just being creative!

And here are the beautiful flowers to go along with my card!

I will post more pictures of us on our wonderful date to the melting pot...I can't wait!!!!!
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Joy said...

There's some blog love for you on my page. check out the award you've won :)

Janie said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I love you both!