Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Storm

I braved it! I put on my boots, jacket, scarf, hat, mittens, and everything in between... and I went OUTSIDE!!!! The ice started falling yesterday morning and for once I was glad I wasn't feeling well. I had to stay inside and stay warm. When Larry was sent home from work early I knew it was bad. It continued through the night and this morning it still falls. I had to take some pictures for my Arizona friends at least! It really is pretty and pretty scary. We are advised not to drive if we don't have to. So, Larry is taking me to work tonight so I can make snowflakes with the kids, how appropriate for a day like today! No wonder some of the trees didn't make it last year, the ice is heavy on their little branches! Poor Trees! The dogs still love to play outside and it's funny to watch them try and cross our frozen creek. It's easier to get them back in the house when it's this cold outside, their little feet get cold and they happily come running!
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1 comment:

Marisa said...

Good old Oklahoma Ice Storms. Brings back some memories for me. Love the pictures but so glad I don't live there anymore.