Saturday, January 31, 2009

Birthday Bash!

It started out as a girl's night in watching a movie and just hanging out....BUT when the chocolate cake and the Happy Birthday song came out, I busted out the Karaoke machine! We sang into the wee hours of the morning. And let me tell you, my freak flag was showing! I haven't Karaoked in a long time and I missed it! We had so much fun! Thanks Noell for a rockin' birthday bash!!!
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Little Rascals

Just some funny things these little ones like to do... Since the ground is now covered in snow and ice, Piper has decided she loves ice. She will find a piece she can carry in and chew on it until it melts (leaving little puddles of water on the floor). It's so funny to watch her carry it around, then she realizes it's really cold. They still love to be outside. They run and run until their feet get too cold and then we go inside and crash! Playing is hard work! Mattie on the other hand is a little pill, she has been dragging things outside! We think she is nesting, but it still doesn't make me happy! My favorite thing is that she takes my yarn outside and tries to make it into a nest. This really makes me crazy as it is strung through both doggie doors into the backyard. I know I should laugh but it makes me crazy! Jaxson loves riding in the car in fact he loves to drive the car. He will put his paws up on the steering wheel and look out the front window (it only hinders my view a little bit :)) He only does this when the side window isn't rolled down so he can take in all the new smells! I have to roll it up cuz it's too freakin' cold!!! Piper loves to ride in the car as well, but lately if we ride too long, she gets car sick and has puked all over me and her auntie Lisa! Isn't life grand, they really are preparing me for children! We have play dates with other friends who have dogs. That is always a bonus because it wears them out and they sleep really well at night! But Jaxson still likes his adventures and no matter where we are he seems to go on them...
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Storm

I braved it! I put on my boots, jacket, scarf, hat, mittens, and everything in between... and I went OUTSIDE!!!! The ice started falling yesterday morning and for once I was glad I wasn't feeling well. I had to stay inside and stay warm. When Larry was sent home from work early I knew it was bad. It continued through the night and this morning it still falls. I had to take some pictures for my Arizona friends at least! It really is pretty and pretty scary. We are advised not to drive if we don't have to. So, Larry is taking me to work tonight so I can make snowflakes with the kids, how appropriate for a day like today! No wonder some of the trees didn't make it last year, the ice is heavy on their little branches! Poor Trees! The dogs still love to play outside and it's funny to watch them try and cross our frozen creek. It's easier to get them back in the house when it's this cold outside, their little feet get cold and they happily come running!
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Wii Hair

Auntie Lisa came for a visit and lots of hair was needing to be done! So, we invited everyone over for some hair doing! While my "clients" were waiting we all played some wii. It was lots of fun! Larry and Joy battled it out at Mario Kart. Lisa went blond. Isaac mastered the hula-hoop. Andie had fun watching all the crazy adults. And Piper fell in love with Lisa! Good Times!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Live a Passionate Life

DISCOVERY! Larry and I had the opportunity of a lifetime this weekend, to be free, lovable, strong, confident, compationate... oh the list goes on! When really we committed to go to GET our wonderful friends OFF OF OUR BACKS!!! hehe (love you Noell). Little did we know we had some much to gain from the weekend! This picture is my NEW EXTENDED FAMILY! and Larry's NEW EXTENDED FAMILY!They are all amazing and have amazing stories. They were strangers when we walked through the doors on Friday and now I am closer to them than most of my family. I can't describe the experience that I went through, you must experience it for yourself! All I know now it that I AM A STRONG AND CONFIDENT WOMAN!!!! and my husband IS A STRONG AND COMPATIONATE MAN!! And YES HE IS!!! This training will change your life! If we can help you get to this training we will do anything we have to get you there, it's worth it!!!
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mattie Elizabeth

Here is Larry's girl! This is Mattie and the lover of the family! She thinks she is a lap dog and will try to crawl into your lap if you will let her, and at times Larry will. She is our 55 lb lap dog! Here she is with some friends of ours, Hunter and Logan. Such a sweet girl! (Even tho she takes everything outside and I mean everything!!!!)
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Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Mi Amore!

Happy Happy Birthday on this your special day, Happy Happy birthday is what I'm here to say!!! Happy Birthday Mi Amore! I love you!
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was spent with Larry's family where it was fun to have little ones around again. The girls (Lexi and Kaylee) were so fun to watch as they opened all of their gifts and wanted to play with each and every one. We had the dogs with us for the day and they were a hit. The little girls loved Piper. They wanted to hold her and love her. That was cute to watch and the dogs were very good with them. We enjoyed family time and got lots of fun presents, including Larry's juicer he has been talking about for months and my Shark so I can steam clean our new floors! Now getting them home was the question? We ended up returning them in Phx and re-purchasing them in OK (or we would have had to leave the dogs :)) Larry's family drew names between the siblings and in-laws (girls drew girls and boys drew boys, which was really nice cuz boys are hard to buy for!!!) The 2 names we drew were saving up for something big so they wanted money. I couldn't just hand over the money so I got creative... For Blaine we (my Mom helped me) made him a new wardrobe (out of money of course!) Tiny little shirts, pants and bow ties. It was very fun. And for Alicia, I made her a butterfly garden (again out of dollar bills) It was fun to watch them open their gifts from us. There was lots of family, good food and laughs all day long! Thanks family for a wonderful Christmas!
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